The scientific fundamental questions and the global coverage of Vanishing Glaciers attracted the attention of press and television from the beginning of the project.
Swiss press :
RTS “CQFD”: Un inventaire de micro-organismes menacés de disparition
Canal 9 – L’EPFL en expédition sur les glaciers d’Alaska
RTS La 1ère – Les écosystèmes des ruisseaux des glaciers vivent une importante mutation
24 Heures – Les ruisseaux des glaciers, témoins d’un climat bouleversé
Tribune de Genève – Les ruisseaux des glaciers, témoins d’un climat bouleversé
RSI “Seidisera” – Interview from minute 17.55
Les Alpes (Club Alpin Suisse) – Des microbes bien peufrileux
Radio Svizzera Italiana – Ghiacciai che svaniscono
Le Nouvelliste – Ils recensent les microbes de la source du rhone
24 Heures – Explorer la vie au pied des glaciers tant qu’il y en a
Radio Svizzera Italiana – Il ghiaccio se ne va, ma non da solo
International press :
Montagne360 (Club Alpino Italiano) – Quei ghiacciai che scompaiono
Phys.org – Scientists compile an inventory of endangered microorganisms in cryospheric ecosystems
Geagency.it – Vanishing Glaciers studia i ghiacciai che si sciolgono e cancellano la vita
Geo – RAI 3 (Italian TV) – Interview about the “Vanishing Glaciers Project”
Le Figaro Magazine – Au Népal, les scientifiques au chevet des glaciers
Nature Portfolio Microbiology Community – A close look into the microbiome of glacier-fed streams
Kathimerini Greece – Κυνηγοί βακτηρίων
Huffpost Greece – Μιχάλης Στύλλας: Κρύωσαν ποτέ οι Θεοί του Ολύμπου;
Reuters – Scientists investigate icy streams for survival clues
BusinessDay – Besides water, what will we lose as the glaciers melt?
NZ Herald – Scientists struck by New Zealand’s vanishing postcard glaciers
Noted – New Zealand Glaciers Incredible Shrinking
TVNZ – Swiss scientists embark on study of glacier fed rivers, beginning in New Zealand
Aostasera – Esplorare i ghiacciai per scoprire gli effetti del cambiamento climatico
Public talks and conferences:
Conference “Front Runners in Sport Management 4.0” – “Life on the Edge of Ice”, by Michail Styllas
Project presentation at the Rotary Club Neuchâtel Lac (Switzerland) by Massimo Bourquin
EPFL press :
See EPFL Vanishing Glaciers Blog and more here: